The right people. The right time.

Revitalize your sales efforts with AI-driven prospecting.

Identify and target leads that are ready to engage, breathing new life into your sales pipeline.

The right people.

The right time.

Revitalize your sales efforts with AI-driven prospecting.

Identify and target leads that are ready to engage, breathing new life into your sales pipeline.

The Right People

Focus your efforts on the most promising leads.

Utilize Sales Navigator to precisely find and connect with top LinkedIn prospects. Enhance your lead generation by using Lead Filtering to focus on qualified decision-makers, not time-wasters, streamlining your sales efforts.

Turn LinkedIn users

into your users.

Get new clients directly from the largest business social media platform in the world.

The Right Time

Target the most responsive leads first.

Boost efficiency by focusing on LinkedIn leads most ready to meet and buy. Use our built-in AI to prioritize high-intent leads, enhancing productivity and driving quick conversions.

Easily identify and follow up with targeted leads.

Transform your LinkedIn engagement with extensive reach and brand recall. kwAI runs prospecting campaigns for you, ensuring seamless connections and follow-ups with your target audience effortlessly.

InMail Outreach

Extend your outreach beyond existing connections by sending more messages.

Send InMail messages and emails to non-connections to broaden your reach. With Open InMail, experiment with various messages across new channels to connect with more leads.

Identify Your Highest Performers Easily

Enhance team productivity by identifying top performers.

Enable your team's collaboration for unmatched success. kwAI features deduplication, exclusion lists, and performance metrics to streamline prospecting, helping your team find more leads efficiently.

Prospect with Safety in Mind

We put your LinkedIn account safety first.

Safety of your LinkedIn profile is crucial for professional identity and sales prospecting. kwAI only targets quality leads within LinkedIn's guidelines to ensure your account remains healthy and your sales pipeline stays strong.

Easily Integrates With Leading CRMs and Zapier

Our mission is to empower B2B sales teams and agencies to achieve consistent revenue growth by automating their outbound prospecting through AI-powered solutions.

© 2024 kwAI by Cyber Uplink LLC - All Rights Reserved.